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Harlan III symposium

Call for abstracts

Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations and posters at the Third Harlan Symposium, in Montpellier, France. The deadline for submission is the 15th of Mars, 2019. Proposals should be submitted as an attached file by e-mail to with the object “Harlan3Abstract”. They should follow the template, with all required information completed.

Sessions cover :

 History of agriculture (session 1)

 Diversity and adaptation (session 2)

 Mobilization genetic resources : scientific and social innovations (session 3)

 New questions about agroecosystem services and functioning (session 4)

Participants should refer to the details of the call for abstracts to target a session.

The scientific committee will review abstracts before acceptance. The scientific committee reserves the right to redirect an application to a session other than the one initially chosen by the author, if necessary. In order to allow a maximum number of participants to present their work, participants should submit only one abstract as a presenting author, although they may appear as co-authors on other abstract submissions. As each session will have a limited number of slots, the committee might offer to authors whose abstracts are not accepted as oral presentations the possibility to present their work as a poster instead. Only proposals of insufficient scientific quality or clearly not within the subject of the symposium will be rejected.

Oral presentations will dispose of 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion. If an abstract appears to be of particular interest to the scientific committee, the committee may propose to the author to present his or her work as a keynote, of longer duration (30 minutes, 10 minutes of discussion).

Please refer to the website for all practical and scientific details.