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Noor NIEFTAGODIEN, professeur invité FMSH 2023 et UMIFRE

Noor Nieftagodien holds the Chair in Local Histories, Present Realities at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), where he is also the director of the History Workshop. His interests center on aspects of popular insurgent struggles, public history, youth politics, and local history. He is currently investigating the history of the Congress of South African Students, the leading student organisation in the struggle against apartheid and heads the public history initiative, the Soweto History and Archives Project. Among his publications are : The Soweto Uprising ; Alexandra - A History & Ekurhuleni – The Making of an Urban Region (co-authored with Phil Bonner) ; One Hundred Years of the ANC & Struggles in Southern Africa : New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union, 1919-1949 (co-editor).

Context of venue : Professeur invité FMSH 2023 (programme Directeurs d’Etudes Associés) + UMIFRE (IFAS-IMAF) - invitante, Elena Vezzadini.

Dates of arrival and departure : 6 May to 12 July 2023

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