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New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe

Call for papers


The Call for Papers has opened on 2 December 2019 and will close on 20 January 2020. Before proposing a paper, please read the conference theme, the rules on that page, and browse the list of panels. Paper proposals can be submitted online by clicking on the Propose paper button in the title section of each panel at this list of panels.

Panels were chosen by the EASA2020 Scientific Committee that comprises members of the Local Committee, EASA Executive Committee and additional scholars covering a plethora of different anthropological traditions, sub-fields and theoretical approaches.

The hosts :

ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-University of Lisbon are the host institutions. ISCTE is a research university focused on social sciences, management and technologies, and ICS is the social science research center of the University of Lisbon. Although distinct public universities, they share the campus of the University of Lisbon, where the conference will take place.

The local committee :

Headed by Miguel Vale de Almeida (ISCTE-IUL and CRIA) and Susana Matos Viegas (ICS-UL) the local committee is representative of the diversity of anthropological institutions in Portugal : Antónia Pedroso de Lima (ISCTE and CRIA), Catarina Alves Costa (NOVA FCSH and CRIA), Catarina Fróis (ISCTE and CRIA), Clara Saraiva (FLUL), Cristiana Bastos (ICS-UL), Humberto Martins (UTAD and CRIA), Irene Rodrigues (ISCSP-UL), João Pina Cabral (U Kent), José Mapril (NOVA FCSH and CRIA), Maria Cardeira da Silva (NOVA FCSH and CRIA), Marina Pignatelli (ISCSP-UL and CRIA), Manuela Ivone Cunha (U Minho and CRIA), Simone Frangella (ICS-UL), Nuno Domingos (ICS-UL) and Mafalda Melo de Sousa as secretary on behalf of CRIA (Center for Research in Anthropology, Portugal).

The Scientific Committee :

Sarah Green (Chair of SciComm, President of EASA), Susana Viegas (Local Committee), Maria Cardeira da Silva (Local Committee), Georgeta Stoica (EASA Executive Committee), Monica Heintz (EASA Executive Committee), Christina Toren (additional member), Adam Kuper (additional member), Jorge Grau Robollo (additional member), Fabio Vicini (additional member).