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Postdoctoral contracts in the area of African Studies

The positions are offered in the context of the ERC Starting Grant “AfDevLives : The Afterlives of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique)” (Ref. 101041788), a project hosted by CEI-Iscte and led by Dr. Yonatan N. Gez.

The announcements and respective application requirements for each position can be found below :

 1 postdoctoral position to study the afterlives of development interventions with emphasis on space and mobility

 1 postdoctoral position to study the afterlives of development interventions with emphasis on visual/graphic anthropology and art

 1 postdoctoral position to study the afterlives of development interventions with emphasis on oral history, storytelling, and narratives

The application period is between 01 November and 31 December 2022.


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